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Author Guidelines

Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.

Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.

An editor may desk reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.

The Journal of Study and Innovation in Education and Development (JSIED) invites authors to submit their scholarly articles in accordance with the following guidelines for review and publication. Adherence to these instructions is essential for the acceptance and publication of the manuscript.

1. Article Structure

1.1 Title of the Article:

  • The title should be concise, clear, and reflective of the research content.
  • The title must be provided in both Persian and English.

1.2 Abstract:

  • Persian Abstract: Maximum 250 words, including the problem statement, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.
  • English Abstract: An exact translation of the Persian abstract, with the same 250-word limit.

1.3 Keywords:

  • Persian Keywords: Between 4 to 6 words or phrases that reflect the main topics of the article.
  • English Keywords: Exact translation of the Persian keywords.

1.4 Introduction:

  • The introduction should present the research problem, its significance, a brief literature review, and the objectives of the study.

1.5 Methodology:

  • The methodology section must be detailed and clear enough to allow replication of the study by others. This includes the data collection methods, data analysis procedures, and tools used.

1.6 Findings:

  • The research findings should be clearly presented with the use of tables, charts, and necessary explanations.

1.7 Discussion and Conclusion:

  • This section should compare the results with existing literature and provide interpretations. It should also discuss the limitations of the study and offer suggestions for future research.

1.8 References:

  • All references must be formatted according to the APA standard. Persian sources should be listed in Persian, and English sources in English.

2. Abstract and Extended Summary

2.1 Persian and English Abstracts:

  • The Persian and English abstracts should include the following:
    • Problem statement
    • Research objectives
    • Methods
    • Main results
    • Conclusion

2.2 Extended Summary:

  • An extended summary in English, between 800 to 1200 words, must be provided. This summary should include more detailed explanations and insights into the research and its findings, making it accessible and useful for an international audience.

3. Article Formatting

3.1 General Formatting:

  • The manuscript should be submitted in Word format (.docx).
  • Persian Font: B Mitra, size 12.
  • English Font: Times New Roman, size 12.

3.2 Line Spacing:

  • Line spacing should be 1.5 for the main text and 1.15 for the abstract.

3.3 Headers and Footers:

  • Pages should be numbered.
  • Headers should include a short title of the article and the authors' names.

3.4 Tables and Figures:

  • Tables and figures should be placed within the text in appropriate locations and not submitted as appendices.
  • Tables and figures must have titles and numbers, and should be referred to in the text.

4. Submission and Review Process

4.1 Submission Process:

  • Articles must be submitted through the journal's online submission system.
  • All authors must register in the system and provide complete information.

4.2 Review Process:

  • All submitted articles undergo a double-blind peer-review process, where the identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed.
  • The approximate review time for articles is 8 to 12 weeks.

4.3 Revisions and Resubmission:

  • If revisions are required, authors are expected to make the necessary changes and resubmit the manuscript within the specified timeframe.

5. Author Responsibilities

  • Authors commit to not submitting their manuscript simultaneously to another journal.
  • All authors should be involved in the submission and revision process and must agree with the final content of the manuscript.
  • Any conflicts of interest must be disclosed by the authors.

6. Ethical Considerations

  • Authors must adhere to ethical research principles, including the originality of their work and respect for others' rights in the use of sources.
  • The journal uses plagiarism detection software to check the originality of manuscripts, and any detected plagiarism will result in the rejection of the manuscript.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


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