The Role of the Threat of Hellfire in Education, with Emphasis on the Phenomenon of Generational Gap in Narratives
generation gap, education, torment of hell, Hadiths, "La Taksarva" propertyAbstract
Considering the issue of development in education and the phenomenon of generational gap, as well as the necessity of adopting educational methods compatible with new generations, the present study, using the method of textual analysis and data description and interpretation, investigates narratives aligned with this issue. It maximally utilizes the implications of the narrative "Do not impose your manners on your children" and the statements concerning the punishments of Hell to address the contradiction between the meanings of these two methods. The study reaches the conclusion that in explaining Hellfire punishments to students, one should initially employ the missionary and reward-oriented aspects, as well as the merciful language of religion. Once the merciful dimension is well-established in the student's mind, then, employing a blended method of authoritative-soft approach and according to the temporal, spatial, and audience-related conditions, the punishments of Hell and the coercive aspect of religion should be communicated. Additionally, when articulating these punishments—despite their diversity and multiplicity—there should be a hierarchical order, from mild to severe, so that the new generation can engage with the language of threat regarding Hellfire. Both the missionary and the threatening aspects can be considered as contributing to their path toward happiness and well-being, and they should not view these statements with a dismissive or even anti-religious perspective.