The Role of Augmented Reality-Based Educational Games in Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Children
Augmented reality, educational games, problem-solving skills, children, interactive learningAbstract
This paper examines the role of augmented reality (AR)-based educational games in enhancing problem-solving skills in children. Problem-solving skills are critical components of cognitive and social development in children. AR-based games, known for creating interactive and engaging environments, are recognized as effective educational tools that can help improve these skills in children. This study utilizes a descriptive analysis method to review and analyze existing studies and research in this area. The findings indicate that AR-based games have the potential to enhance children's cognitive and problem-solving abilities and create higher motivation and engagement in the learning process compared to traditional educational methods. However, limitations such as the need for specific equipment and associated costs could hinder the broader adoption of this technology in education. It is suggested that further empirical research be conducted to more precisely evaluate the actual impact of these games on various skills in children.