The Educational Impact of Academic Motivation on Academic Commitment, Emotional Self-Regulation, and Academic Performance of Male Students at Farhangian University in Khuzestan Province
Academic motivation, academic commitment, emotional self-regulation, academic performanceAbstract
The present study aimed to determine the effect of academic motivation training on academic commitment, emotional self-regulation, and students' academic performance. This study was conducted using an experimental design with a pre-test and post-test structure. The statistical population consisted of male students at Farhangian University in Khuzestan Province. The study sample included 50 participants (25 in the experimental group and 25 in the control group). The experimental intervention comprised 14 sessions of academic motivation training. Following the intervention, data were collected using scales measuring academic commitment, emotional self-regulation, and academic performance (assessed through students' end-of-term grade point averages). The research data were analyzed using multivariate covariance analysis (MANCOVA). The results of the multivariate covariance analysis indicated that academic motivation training had a significant positive effect on the three subscales of academic commitment (behavioral commitment, emotional commitment, and cognitive commitment), as well as on the overall academic commitment score. Furthermore, academic motivation training had a significant effect on emotional self-regulation and academic performance. It can be concluded that academic motivation training can enhance students' academic commitment and dedication, improve emotional self-regulation, and increase academic performance.